Sizzix thinlits holiday greens mini

Artikelnummer: 661597
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€ 19,50 (inclusief btw)
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 Sizzix thinlits Holliday greens mini 

Looking for a new addition to your card making supplies? Sizzix Thinlits Dies are the perfect wafer-thin die, providing much more intricate designs with clean and precise cuts than you’d get from your average die. Designed especially for papercraft, you can now add the most delicate components to your birthday cards, invitations and more Compatible with a wide range of Sizzix die cutting machines such as the Sizzix Big Shot, Sizzix Big Shot Plus, Sizzix Big Shot Foldaway, Sizzix Big Shot Pro and Sizzix Big Shot Express. All perfect die cutting machines for card making, so you won’t be short on projects you can utilise this die set for What is die cutting? Die cutting is a quick and easy way of producing individual, or mass shapes from paper, foil, cardstock or even chipboard using a machine and die, instead of cutting by hand. What cuts my material? A die cutting machine will always be necessary in order to die cut, though it's not the machine itself that physically cuts your material. Your chosen die (for example a Sizzix Bigz, Thinlits or Framelits die), is responsible for cutting the design. the machine just applies the pressure. So if you're ever unsure if you can die cut a certain material, check the compatibility of your die rather than your machine How do I use a Thinlits die? It’s easy Grab your Big Shot Machine (660200) and Standard Cutting Pads (655093) to get started. Firstly, take one cutting pad and place your Thinlits die on top. Then, place your chosen material on top of the die. Complete your sandwich with your second cutting pad placed on the top of the Thinlits die and chosen material and it’s ready to go With one roll through your die cutting machine, your design will be revealed. Note: An Adapter Platform (658992) will be required when using Thinlits dies with any of our Sizzix Big Shot machines. Simply place this under the sandwich you’ve created and you’re ready to go If you've already purchased a one of our Big Shot machines, your adapater is included If you’re unsure, have a look through our ‘From the Manufacturer’ section or head over to our Brand Store, where we have plenty of educational videos Are Sizzix dies compatible with non-Sizzix machines? We always advise use of our dies with Sizzix machines for best results. If you do have any questions relating to the compatibility of Sizzix dies with alternative machines, please get in touch with the manufacturer of the machine.

0,34 Kg


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Design medewerksters

Jolanda Boekholt

hoi ik ben Jolanda Boekholt ik woon samen met John en een heleboel dieren. dieren zijn een hele grote hobby van mij ik heb ook meerdere oppas honden en katten waar ik voor zorg. mijn andere grote hobby is kaarten maken ,mini albums ,bloemen, doosjes en noem maar op knutselen vind ik echt superrr geweldig leuk en daar besteed ik heel veel tijd aan

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