washi tape die cuts
Craft Consortium woodshapers van de serie in the forestCraft Consortium In The Forest Wood Shapes (CCWDNS018)
€ 3,95 € 2,75-27%
adhesive enamel dots at home in the wildflowersAt Home in the Wildflowers Adh...
Craft Consortium At Home in the Wildflowers Adhesive Enamel Dots (CCADOT007)€ 2,95 € 2,15-24%
washi tape at home in the wildflowerswashi tape at home in the wildflowers
artikelnummer CCWTPE 005€ 4,95 € 3,75-25%
Craft Consortium Charms the riverbank dragonflyCraft Consortium -The Riverbank - Dragonfly Charms
CCMCHRM003€ 2,99 € 2,25-25%
Craft Consortium charms rooster metal van de farm meadowFarm Meadow - Metal Charms - Rooster
SKU: CCMCHRM011€ 2,99 € 2,25-30%
Craft Companion wood shapers bluebells en buttercupsbluebells en buttercup wood shapers
artikelnummer CCWDN013€ 3,95 € 2,75